
Lets you horde more girls in Ero Hunters.
Adds four races to the world of Ero Hunters.
Adds 13 races to add variaty to the word of Ero Dungeons
Swaps the guild NPC's in Ero Dungeons.
Brings RPG style leveling to the world of Ero Dungeons.
Refines the leveling in the world of Ero Dungeons.
Makes the permanent gear not so permanent, allowing recovery in the world of Ero Dungeons.
Raises the requirments a bit higher so kidnapping in Ero Dungeons doesn't happen as quickly.
Adds a way to swap to the bunny class in Erodungeons
Increase's the max roster size in the world of Ero Dungeons.
Removes the pubic hair from the standing puppets of the characters of Ero Dungeons
Adds pubic hair from the standing puppets of the characters of Ero Dungeons
Removes futas from the world of Ero Dungeons.

Hevensdragon's basic mod recommendations.

This is a collection of just basic mods with focus on QOL and vanilla plus focus. Things that wont really alter your experience just enhance your enjoyment of Ero dungeons.